QCXP Certification (Per Person)
QCXP Certification (Per Person)
The Qualified Customer Xperience Professional (QCXP) Certification andthe "Xperience Factor" Workshop
Front-line service providers attend a 4-hour workshop where they will:
Determine the benefits of providing memorable experiences.
Explore the concept of your company's brand.
Differentiate between providing service and Creating Xperiences (CX).
Explore the behaviors that support the shift to Customer Xperiences (CXs).
Complete the Customer Xperience Self-Assessment.
Practice Customer Xperience skills.
Review available resources and how to use them.
Experience the game show review.
Establish a 30-day goal for which participants are held accountable.
Once the participant has reported to X Factor Institute what he/she has done to achieve the established goal, their QCXP (Qualified Customer Xperience Professional) designation is earned and lapel pin issued.