X Factor Institute QCXL Certification Program (Per Person)

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X Factor Institute QCXL Certification Program (Per Person)


The Qualified Customer Xperience Leader (QCXL) Certification and "Leading the Xperience Factor" Workshop

It starts at the top! For any improvement process to be successful, leaders must understand the new approach, be personally engaged in fostering success with each employee and ‘lead the way’ to a Customer Xperience (CX) culture. This 6–8 hour workshop includes the following:

  • Explore all of the components to the front-line class, "The Xperience Factor" (see QCXP section).

  • Discover best practices for leading such an initiative.

  • Explore factors for leadership success.

  • Explore your statement of purpose and its importance.

  • Establish a 30-day goal for which leaders are held accountable.

  • Once the participant has reported to X Factor Institute what he/she has done to achieve the established goal, their QCXL (Qualified Customer Xperience Leader) designation is earned and lapel pin issued.

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